Saturday, April 13 at 10 AM
First Church of Christ, Scientist
7318 N.E. Loop 820
North Richland Hills, TX 76180

Our unbreakable connection to God, infinite Love, gives us permanent worth and purpose. It lifts us from dark times to healing and progress.
Come hear James Shepherd, a Christian Science practitioner and member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, speak on this subject.
Shepherd says, “I love exploring the nature of God, infinite Love, as the only cause, and our unbreakable connection to God as God’s offspring. This connection gives us our purpose and worth by seeing everyone from a more God-like, or spiritual point of view. I’ve experienced how this has an impact on my life and on the lives of others.”
Shepherd will also touch on the life of Mary Baker Eddy, who came to understand, confirm and teach what she felt was original Christian healing.
This talk is sponsored by your friends at First Church of Christ, Scientist, North Richland Hills. You can contact them at 817-281-2436.
This talk will be livestreamed as well as in person. Visit for livestream information.