Sunday, May 19 at 2 PM
Seventh Church of Christ, Scientist
6414 Abrams Road, Dallas 75231
(Call 508-924-2552 to hear the lecture in English)
Explore practical faith rooted in a spiritual understanding of God and unconditional love. There’s no greater adventure!
Nate Frederick, a Christian Science practitioner and member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, will be the speaker. Here’s what Nate says about this talk:

“Are prayer and healing for you? I mean, if you have no experience with spirituality or religion, or you’re not even sure what you think about God, can you still pray and be healed?
“Yes. Because prayer and healing are natural to us, and I say this as one who didn’t even grow up in a religious household. But what I’ve discovered as I’ve studied Christian Science is that a willingness to shift perspectives, to see things in a new, more spiritual way, has an effect–for anyone.
“In my lecture, I’ll share more about the fundamentals of effective prayer, as I’ve learned from studying Christian Science, as well as how healing is truly possible for everyone.”
The lecture audio will be available in Spanish at the church during the lecture. (Note the second flyer below.)
This lecture is sponsored by Seventh Church of Christ, Scientist, Dallas. You can contact the church’s Reading Room at 469-232-9777 with any questions.