And what we all gain
In discovering more of God’s universally loving nature, we naturally give more of ourselves. This unexpected way forward lifts everyone.
Sunday, February 9 at 1 PM
Third Church of Christ, Scientist
4419 Oak Lawn Avenue, Dallas, TX 75219

Melanie Wahlberg will be our speaker. She’s a Christian Science practitioner and member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.
Melanie’s early influences showed her something of the reliability of God and spiritual inspiration, and trusting this helped her find her way growing up. Significant healing experiences helped give Melanie an idea of the many ways that Christian Science can transform lives.
After finishing a doctorate in mathematics, Melanie became a college professor and truly enjoyed teaching. But she found that when students came to her office for help with calculus, Melanie and her students often found themselves talking about the joy and excitement of growing spirituality. She soon resigned from her teaching position and began accepting calls as a Christian Science practitioner.
This lecture is sponsored by Third Church of Christ, Scientist, Dallas. Everyone’s welcome!